Saturday, November 30, 2019

PRISONERS OF WAR BY Presented To Mrs. Provato ENG 2A0-04 Wednesday D

"PRISONERS OF WAR" BY: Presented to: Mrs. Provato ENG 2A0-04 Wednesday December 8, 1993 PRISONERS OF WAR Dear: The International Red Cross I am writing a letter to you today to mention how the prisoners of war were treated throughout the second world war. If you have never been a Prisoner of War (POW), you are extremely lucky. The prisoners of war during the World War II, (1939-1945) were treated poorly with no respect or consideration and were given the living conditions worse than animals. It was an extremely bad situation that no human being could survive. They were mistreated, manhandled, beat and even shot defending their country. No one wanted to go to war, but for those men who did, and for those who survived as POWs will always regret it. The Prisoners of War were kept in concentration camps, where it was day to day constant dying and suffering and separation of the family with unconditional weather. 1 They had no real shelter, and kept busy by working, a nd the odd time even got a chance to play baseball, soccer or some athletic game to stay in shape. 2 They were surrounded by twenty-four hour guard surveillance in the middle of nowhere, so it would be quite useless to attempt to escape, especially at the risk of being gunned down at any given time. The POW were always having to turn their back and keep an eye out for one another. They were considered to be "hostages" and were treated like the enemy. The concentration camps were not very large but were numerous. They contained about 500-600 warriors and were divided into groups of under sixteen, older than sixteen, and of course by gender (Male and Female). 3 This caused many problems with the POWs as they were split from their families, and in a lot of cases, never saw one another again. The Prisoners of War were killed by the hundreds as malnutrition and hygiene eventually caught up with them. They were put to work for lengthy periods of time, and we treated harshly for volunteeri ng to go to war. Once caught, they were taken and placed in a camp, and it was the beginning of the end for the ally. It is not like a prisoner in today's society. The prisoners had to live with leftover scraps of food, dirty water, and no hope of exiting, plus the constant shooting. They were not prisoner whom had committed a crime, rather brave warriors whom stood up to defend us. 4 It is a life no one wants to encounter, and we pray no one does, and we remember how they were abused and how they suffered to protect us. This special day is called Remembrance Day and is celebrated the eleventh day of the eleventh month. BIBLIOGRAPHY WORLD WAR II, "Prisoners" Marshall Cavendish Ltd, New York, Vol VIII. 940.53 WORLD WAR II, "Prisoners of War" Marshall Cavendish Ltd, New York, Vol III. 940.53 WORLD WAR II, "Prisoners of War" Marshall Cavendish Ltd, New York, Vol X. 940.53 Gosselin, Luc. PRISONS IN CANADA, Montreal, Quebec: Black Rose Books, 1982 ENDNOTES

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Discourse 1 & 2 essays

Discourse 1 & 2 essays In Jean-Jacques Rousseaus Discourses, freedom is one of the most important themes. Freedom is possible for the human person, but things such as society play a considerable role in limiting human freedom. He argues that culture is what teaches people ideas which enslaved them in society, thus he firmly holds that people are better off in their original state of nature. In The First and Second Discourses, Rousseau describes what life is like in the original state of nature and argues that it is preferable over civilized society due to several prevailing factors. However, that type of lifestyle which contains complete freedom is not achievable in the modern world. According to Rousseau, there are two types of freedom: positive and negative. Positive freedom is transpired through ones original state of nature where few relationships are established. The original state of nature is calm and peaceful, resembling a simplistic form of life. Negative freedom arises from the natural development of the human person and the construction of relationships and societies. Rousseau finds man living in the original state of nature at the greatest advantage than man living in society. Society produces inequality and restraints whereas the original state of nature does not. Rousseau believes that man in the original state of nature has few needs, no idea of good or evil, and little contact with other humans. Pity and self-preservation are the two main motivational characteristics that ever human/animal possesses. In the state of nature, everything that man wants or desires is proportioned to what man needs. Since mans needs are satisfied, desire will completely vanish. For "his modest needs are so easily found at hand" and his lack of desire to become more knowledgeable leaves him without curiosity. Thus, nothing agitates his soul nor can desire override his needs. As a result, he could not be good or evil and only have complete...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Using the Spanish Pronoun ‘Nada’

Using the Spanish Pronoun ‘Nada’ Nada is the usual Spanish pronoun meaning nothing- but because double negatives are common in Spanish, the word nada can often be translated as anything. Nada Meaning Nothing When nada indeed means nothing, usually as the subject of a sentence, the use of nada is straightforward for English speakers: Nada es mejor que la maternidad. (Nothing is better than motherhood.)Nada es ms importante en este momento de nuestra historia. (Nothing is more important at this time in our history.)Nada puede cambiarme. (Nothing can change me.)Nada tiene ms vida que las cosas que se recuerdan. (Nothing has more life than the things that are remembered.)Nada es lo que parece. (Nothing is what it seems.)No quiero participar en la discusià ³n sobre nada importante.  (I dont want to participate in the discussion about nothing important.) When  the Verb With Nada Is Negated However, when nada is the object of a verb, it is normal for the verb itself to be negated. Therefore, when translating such sentences, you usually have to translate nada as anything or something similar, or use the verb in a positive form. In the following examples, either translation is acceptable: No hay nada ms. (There isnt anything more. There is nothing more.)Este congreso no sirve para nada. (This Congress isnt worth anything. This Congress is worthless.)El manifestante hablà ³ dos horas sin decir nada. (The protester spoke for two hours without saying anything. The protester spoke for two hours and said nothing.)No hay nada ms grande que proteger los nià ±os. (There is nothing more important than protecting children. There isnt anything more important than protecting children.He decidido que no quiero comer nada con conservantes o aditivos. (I have decided I dont want to eat anything with preservatives or additives. I have decided I want to eat nothing with preservatives or additives.)No me gusta nada. (I dont like anything. I like nothing. Technically, nada is the subject of this sentence, but the double-negative rule still applies.) Using Nada for Emphasis Sometimes youll hear nada used as an adverb, where (after taking the double negative into account) it is usually used as an intensifier and thus can mean not at all: Mi hermano no estudia nada y no ayuda nada en casa. (My brother doesnt study at all nor help out at home at all.)Si tengo paraguas no corro nada.  (If I have an umbrella I dont run at all.)No aprendà ­ nada difà ­cil. (I didnt learn anything difficult at all.) Using Nada in Questions In questions, nada is nearly always used with a negative verb:  ¿No ha estudiado nada de eso? (You havent studied any of that?) ¿No puede ver nada el nià ±o?  (Cant the boy see anything?) ¿Por quà © no tenemos nada? (Why dont we have anything?) Phrases Using Nada Here are some common phrases using nada: ahà ­ es nada (similar to no big deal, a way of emphasizing and downplaying something at the same time): Han estado casados por 50 aà ±os. Ahi es nada. (They have been married for 50 years. No big deal.) antes que nada (most importantly, above everything else): Antes que nada, queremos que viva. (Above everything, we want him to live.)   de nada (unimportant, of little value): Traje a casa una monedas de nada. (I brought home some worthless coins.) The phrase de nada is also frequently used as the equivalent of youre welcome after gracias (thank you), similar to saying Its nothing after being thanked.   como si nada (as if it were nothing): Despuà ©s de todo lo que dije, salià ³ como si nada. (After everything I told him, he left as if it were nothing.) nada como (nothing like): No hay nada como el hogar. (There is no place like home.) Avoiding Confusion With Conjugated Nadar Nada meaning nothing shouldnt be confused with nada, the third-person present indicative form of nadar, to swim: Nada todas las maà ±anas en la piscina. (She swims every morning in the swimming pool.)El atleta nada a casi nueve kilà ³metros por hora. (The athlete swims at almost nine kilometers an hour.)Nada en agua frà ­a como si nada. (She swims in cold water as if it were nothing.) Key Takeaways Nada is the Spanish word for nothing.Because of the ways negatives are used in Spanish, nada is sometimes translated as anything.Nada is sometimes used as a word of emphasis.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Corporate Finance assignment on capital budgeting techniques and Essay

Corporate Finance assignment on capital budgeting techniques and required rate of return estimation - Essay Example For projects that are considered as mutually exclusive, that project that reflects the higher NPV, which has been applied in this case is the most appropriate to pick. The assumption under NPV is that cash inflows after every period are usually reinvested. It calculates the absolute proportionality of two projects. (Heitger, 2007 p525) Therefore, it is going to be applied in this study. Managers are in a position to make an evaluation of a project cash flow. One of the renown methods of projects’ analysis and choice is NPV; NPV= Present Value cash inflows – Present Value cash outflows. If the result is positive, then it gives a go ahead to take up the project. (Harvey, 1995) In this case presented below, there is no project with a positive NPV and thus rationality call for the avoidance of both. However, if the company has to undertake a project, then it should undertake Titan project since it has the higher NPV. Figure 1: PROJECT TITAN PROJECT TITAN Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 EXPENSES initial costs 48000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 infrastructure costs 15000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 depreciation equipment 0 7200000 7200000 7200000 7200000 7200000 7200000 working capital 0 5500000 6050000 6655000 7320500 8052550 8857805 operation expenses 0 16000000 17120000 18318400 19600688 20972736 22440828 Royalties 0 0 2200000 2464000 2759680 3090842 3461743 interest on loan 0 4178351 3572568 2908313 2179941 1381263 505494 TOTAL OUTFLOWS 63000000 32878351 36142568 37545713 39060809 40697391 42465870 REVENUES 0 0 44000000 49280000 55193600 61816832 69234852 NET CASH INFLOWS BEFORE TAX 63000000 32878351 7857432 11734287 16132791 21119441 26768982 TAX ON NET REVENUE 0 0 2357230 3520286 4839837 6335832 8030695 NET CASH INFLOWS -63000000 -32878351 5500202 8214001 11292954 14783609 18738287 PRESENT VALUE (17%) 1 0.8547 0.7305 0.6244 0.5337 0.4561 0.3898 -63000000 -28101126.6 4017897.561 5128822.224 6027049.55 6742804.065 7304184.273 NPV= -61880368.93 PROJECT OLYMPUS PROJECT OLYMPUS YEAR 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EXPENSES initial costs 66000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 infrastracture costs 20000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 depreciation equipment 0 9900000 9900000 9900000 9900000 9900000 9900000 6600000 0 working capital 0 14000000 12880000 11849600 10901632 10029501 9227141 8488970 7809852 operation expenses 0 31000000 32240000 33529600 34870784 36265615 37716240 39224890 40793885 Royalties 0 0 2725000 3079250 3479553 3931894 4403722 4976205 5623112 interest on loan 0 5668303 5116727 4513708 3854450 3133706 2345743 1484291 542497 Lease costs 0 3000000 3000000 3000000 3000000 3000000 3000000 3000000 3000000 TOTAL OUTFLOWS 86000000 63568303 65861727 65872158 66006419 66260716 66592846 63774356 57769346 REVENUES 0 0 54500000 61585000 69591050 78637887 88074433 99524109 112462243 NET CASH INFLOWS BEFORE TAX -86000000 63568303 -11361727 -4287158 3584631 12377171 21481587 35749753 54692897 TAX ON NET REVENUE 0 0 0 0 1075389.3 3713151.3 6444476.1 10724925.9 16407869.1 NET CASH INFLOWS -86000000 -63568303 - 11361727 -4287158 2509241.7 8664019.7 15037110.9 25024827.1 38285027.9 PRESENT VALUE (17%) 1 0.8547 0.7305 0.6244 0.5337 0.4561 0.3898 0.3332 0.2848 -86000000 -54331828.57 -8299741.574 -2676901.455 1339182.295 3951659.385 5861465.829 8338272.39 10903575.95 NPV= -118237414.3 PART 2 Beta shows the relationship existing between the premium rate of the market and a firm’s rate of return. Beta is the value reflecting the slope when these two components mentioned are graphed. The process of finding beta is to be explained as

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Call Center Report- from a cultural perspective (includes Essay

Call Center Report- from a cultural perspective (includes communication) - Essay Example The organization acquired necessary property for the call centre and a number of key management employees having British citizenship will supervise the call centre. A UK based company extended the business into the finance and insurance sector with a banking and finance division which was incorporated with around 50,000 customer accounts in mid 2000s. Overtime it became costlier to provide services to the customers; hence to achieve financial savings – in 2011, a decision was taken as part of the five-year strategic plan to open an inbound call centre outside the UK; afterward Manila, Philippine was chosen. The aim of this call centre is to achieve financial savings as well as the benefits of outsourcing while providing satisfactory services to the customers of the company. This report is being prepared to achieve the following objectives: Manila is one of the most energetic and diverse cities of Asia. This city is an extensive mass of humanity, acutely reflecting long heritage of cultures and classes. Straddling the Pasing River’s delta, the Philippines’ capital is actually a group of cities fused into one. There are plenty of highlights in each sub city within Manila. Almost all sorts of life-style facilities and entertainments are available in this city, a number of world’s biggest shopping-malls are in Manila. Depending on the interest of the people vibrant nightlives attract the tourist to Manila (Margaret W. Sullivan, â€Å"The Philippines: Pacific Crossroads†). In the Philippines call centres were started with the services of email responses and relevant managing services. These centres have the capabilities managing and maintaining all types of customer care, customer relations including technical support, travel services, education, financial services, business to business support, business to customer

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Global Strategy of Sony Ericsson Essay Example for Free

Global Strategy of Sony Ericsson Essay In 2001, Sony Ericsson is established by the Japanese company Sony (a consumer electronics corporation) as a fifty-fifty joint venture with the Swedish telecommunications company Ericsson (a mobile communications infrastructure and systems business) which offers mobile phones, accessories and applications. Before the merger, its provides expertise in mobile communication, after the merger, its provide both the consumer electronics and content expertise. In 2011, Sony Ericsson changes their global strategy by focusing more on high end smartphones. At the same times, Sony Ericsson will focus on their key markets, which is including the U. S., Russia, China and Germany. The transaction gives Sony focus on high end smartphones product includes their accessories and application that will lead to profitability and the growth of its business. However, the company facing new challenges in this dynamic changing environment, aggressive competition will affect the global market share of the company and it revenue. In 2012, Sony Ericsson becomes an end when Sony’s announcement that it will acquired 50 percent stake in Sony Ericsson, changed its name to Sony Mobile Communications AB (SMEC) let Sony Ericsson becomes an affiliated company of Sony Corporation (Sony). Sony is a multinational corporation, one of the most leading brand and its functions as designing, manufacturing, marketing mobiles phones and its accessories. With the announcement of acquisition, it will be a brand new start for Sony Ericsson to embark within the Sony family, expanded their marketing activities. Sony Ericsson use outsourcing for the customer interaction centre is another global strategy. This customer interaction centre is established to solve and meet all customer requirements and their problems, and at the same time reducing their cost for expansion.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Argument Against Nozicks Distributive Justice Essay -- Law

Argument Against Nozick’s Distributive Justice Robert Nozick argues in his Entitlement Theory that there are three main topics in the justice of holdings: the acquisition of ‘un-held things’, the transfer of holdings, and the rectification of injustice in holdings.1 Nozick’s theory of what makes a transfer of holdings ‘just’ should be rejected for two key reasons and the rectification of injustice of holdings should be rejected for two key reasons. Robert Nozick declares a transfer of holdings just if the exchange is voluntary and if the holding being exchanged was originally acquired by just means.2 The first key point of this argument that should be rejected is the fact that the grounds for a ‘just’ transfer of holdings relies solely on whether or not the exchange was voluntary by both parties. With this low standard of justice, it permits voluntary exchanges in which one party unknowingly, probably because of circumstances they cannot control such as a limited mental capacity, could voluntarily commit to a transfer in holdings that will negatively affect them, either indirectly or directly. These people may voluntarily agree to a transfer in holdings that they would most certainly not agree to if they were in their right mind and could consider all of the factors playing into the transfer. There are these people who are not in their right mind or who don’t have to mental capacity to keep their best inter ests in mind, and there are also people who would willingly take advantage of these people to further their own selfish agendas. If one was to uphold Nozick’s grounds for what makes a transfer of holdings ‘just’, one is allowing people to cheat people with lesser mental capacities out of what is rightfully theirs through ... ...nd make the whole process of trade and acquisition very slow and cumbersome. Unless there was someway to effectively track and record every transaction in a fast and streamlined way, the rectification of holdings could effectively halt a market. Thus, for the four reasons stated above, Robert Nozick’s topics of transfer of holdings and rectification of holdings within his entitlement theory should be rejected. Not only are Nozick’s propositions inefficient and immoral, they may also create double standards as to what constitutes as an injustice. Works Cited 1 Robert Nozick, â€Å"’Distributive Justice’ from Anarchy, State and Utopia† in Tamar Szabà ³ Gendler, Susanna Siegel, and Steven M. Cahn (eds.), The Elements of Philosophy: Readings from Past and Present (New York: Oxford University Press, 2008), 309—310. 2Nozick, 309—310. 3Nozick, 310. 4Nozick, 311.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Afghanistan and Turkic States

Turkmenistan formerly also known as  Turkmenia  (Russian: ), is one of the  Turkic states  in  Central Asia. Until 1991, it was a constituent republic of the  Soviet Union, theTurkmen Soviet Socialist Republic  (Turkmen SSR). Turkmenistan is one of the six independent  Turkic states. It is bordered byAfghanistan  to the southeast,  Iran  to the south and southwest,  Uzbekistan  to the east and northeast,  Kazakhstan  to the north and northwest and the  Caspian Sea  to the west. Turkmenistan's GDP growth rate of 11% in 2010  ranks 4th in the world, but these figures are subject to wide margins of error. 5]It possesses the world's fourth largest reserves of natural gas resources. Although it is wealthy in natural resources in certain areas, most of the country is covered by the  Karakum (Black Sand) Desert. The Turkmen government operates as a  single-party system. [6]  Turkmenistan was ruled by  President for Life  Saparmurat Niyazov  (c alled â€Å"Turkmenbasy† — â€Å"leader of the Turkmens†) until his sudden death on 21 December 2006. Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov  was elected the new president on 11 February 2007.The territory of Turkmenistan has a long history, as armies from one empire after another decamped there on their way to more prosperous territories. The region's written history begins with its conquest by the  Achaemenid Empire  of ancient Persia, as the region was divided between the  satrapies  of  Margiana,  Khorezm  and  Parthia. [citation needed] Alexander the Great  conquered the territory in the 4th century  BC  on his way to  Central Asia, around the time that the  Silk Roadwas established as a major trading route between  Asia  and the  Mediterranean Region. citation needed] Approximately 80 years later, Persia's  Parthian Kingdom  established its capital in  Nisa, now in the suburbs of the capital,Ashgabat. After replacement of the P arthian empire by Persian Sassanids, another native Iranian dynasty, the region remained territory of the Persian empire for several centuries. [7] In the 7th century AD,  Arabs  conquered this region, introducing  Islam. The Turkmenistan region soon came to be known as the capital of  Greater Khorasan, when the caliph  Al-Ma'mun  moved his capital to  Merv. citation needed] In the middle of the 11th century, the  Turkoman-ruled  Seljuk Empire  concentrated its strength in the territory of modern Turkmenistan in an attempt to expand into  Khorasan  (modernAfghanistan). The empire broke down in the second half of the 12th century, and the Turkmen lost their independence when  Genghis Khan  took control of the eastern  Caspian Sea  region on his march west. For the next seven centuries, the Turkmen people lived under various empires and fought constant inter-tribal wars. Little is documented of Turkmen history prior to  Russian  engagement.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Aging Population Effects on Health Care Essay

Health care is a fast evolving field with advancements of technology and treatment options growing every day. The delivery of care has grown and often shifts direction over the years to accommodate changing population demographics and needs of patients. Many factors play a part in the role of health care and medical treatment, one of those factors being population demographic changes. When the demographics of a population change it can cause adverse effects on the surrounding area in many ways, such as access to care, types of treatment needed to care for the population and the need for health care employees. In a particular population where the demographic is aging the dynamic and need for care begins to affect the health care system in a variety of ways. All health care entities involved play a role in ensuring the challenges and the needs of the population change are met. As the population demographic ages the impact on the delivery of care will be significantly altered, such as t he organization of care and how it is delivered, treatment options, long-term care, and health care coverage will all be affected in different ways. According to the Administration on Aging of the Department of Health and Human Services, approximately 13% of the people living in the United States are elderly as of 2011, which average to about 40 million people. The Department of Health and Human Services estimates that by the year 2030 this number will expand to 72 million making up for 20% of the population in the United States (Campbell, 2013). Another factor that affects the aging population demographic is the rapid rate of retiring Baby-Boomers, with almost 10,000 entering retirement every day over the next 16 years this number will continue to grow (Campbell, 2013). The increasing amount of people aging in the United States as well as all over the world means the focus of health care will shift from acute care to the treatment of serious chronic diseases and assisted living skilled and non-skilled medical care will be in high demand. The aging population also results in the growth and demand for an increase in health care services impacting the health care market in a way that increases cost for all health care entities, such as the individual patient, the federal government, individual states, hospitals, physicians, etc. Other impacts of the health care system will be the increase need for health care employees with  specific skill sets along with the need for additional health care settings to attend to the elderly population. When population demographics change such as aging, many health care related challenges begin to rise and must be addressed and overcome quickly to ensure the quality of care is not impacted. Some of these challenges in an aging population are the need for in-home medical care and assisted living, such as hospice care, skilled nursing facilities and other long-term medical care settings. The challenge these bring to the health care system as well as the aging population are the high financial cost of in-home support and increased difficulties recruiting the proper trained employees (Potter, 2010). Another challenge this specific population change is faced with is the increased cost of health care coverage. Most retirees and elderly population turn to the federal government health plan known as Medicare for his or her individual health care coverage, with the majority of the Baby-Boomer population turning 65 years old at a rapid pace, more and more Americans are qualifying for Medicare coverage. In recent years the cost of Medicare has raised, mainly impart to the increased cost of prescription medications and the consumption of the elderly population (Potter, 2010). With decreasing long-term care options and increasing health care cost the elderly population is faced with many challenges within the health care system. Ultimately the current state of the health care system in the United States must address the concern of the aging population and adapt to the needs of the elderly. In the current era of advanced technology, more and more elderly people are connected to the internet and have a wide variety of receiving health care information. As the health care market moves into a more diverse and technology driven state it is important to market these wellness programs as well as changes in health care coverage that will ultimately effect the aging population. Another way to address the challenges of the aging population is ensuring that individual patients receive the most up to date information regarding his or her health care coverage and diagnosis information. Individual patients, communities and society as a whole can bring together the focus on the aging population health care needs by promoting wellness programs and providing the support to health care facilities needed to face the aging popu lation’s challenges.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Womens Role

We live in an age where women have gained access, and freedoms to explore a wide range of interest, and life styles more than they ever could in the past: freedoms to enter the man’s work force; freedom to hold bank accounts, and get mortgages and loans. In some states, they even have the freedom to marry the same sex. In this age of increasing change, there is one area that I feel women got confused and would need help to make a right decision in their lives whether to look after the family or to work outside the home. In this case I would mention that women in modern society who do not work are in the worst position then those who are occupied in some activity because of three reasons – working woman is independent, in majority of cases she has better education and she lives in better conditions, then that who doesn’t work. In my opinion, today the idea of having a good job and career makes women struggle for their great wishes in life and to achieve certain level of independence. It unavoidably affects their family status. If housewife is considered to be inferior to her husband because she doesn’t earn money and moreover lives on money of her husband, it is generally thought that the husband has a right to do with her whatever he pleased. It was until the recent times the great problem especially for Asian countries. On the contrary, if woman does work and has some stable income, the husband will never allow himself to â€Å"exercise† his power on her, because she is the same breadwinner as her husband, and their rights and liabilities in family are divided equally. The second argument of mine states that those women who work have better education and the level of development then those who stay at home. It is because those working at home do not have that experience and viewpoint as business women do, who work among other people, and can learn their views and accept their knowledge as well. At the same time interests ... Free Essays on Women's Role Free Essays on Women's Role We live in an age where women have gained access, and freedoms to explore a wide range of interest, and life styles more than they ever could in the past: freedoms to enter the man’s work force; freedom to hold bank accounts, and get mortgages and loans. In some states, they even have the freedom to marry the same sex. In this age of increasing change, there is one area that I feel women got confused and would need help to make a right decision in their lives whether to look after the family or to work outside the home. In this case I would mention that women in modern society who do not work are in the worst position then those who are occupied in some activity because of three reasons – working woman is independent, in majority of cases she has better education and she lives in better conditions, then that who doesn’t work. In my opinion, today the idea of having a good job and career makes women struggle for their great wishes in life and to achieve certain level of independence. It unavoidably affects their family status. If housewife is considered to be inferior to her husband because she doesn’t earn money and moreover lives on money of her husband, it is generally thought that the husband has a right to do with her whatever he pleased. It was until the recent times the great problem especially for Asian countries. On the contrary, if woman does work and has some stable income, the husband will never allow himself to â€Å"exercise† his power on her, because she is the same breadwinner as her husband, and their rights and liabilities in family are divided equally. The second argument of mine states that those women who work have better education and the level of development then those who stay at home. It is because those working at home do not have that experience and viewpoint as business women do, who work among other people, and can learn their views and accept their knowledge as well. At the same time interests ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

These 2 Recommendation Letters Got Me Into Harvard and the Ivy League

These 2 Recommendation Letters Got Me Into Harvard and the Ivy League SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips When I applied to college, I was accepted into every school I applied to, including Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, MIT, the Ivy League, UC Berkeley, UCLA, and more.While I had a strong overall application, the two teacher letters of recommendation were CRITICAL in getting me admitted. Why? Both teacherssaid I was one of the top students they had ever taught. Both enthusiastically advocated for my personality, leadership skills, and energy. How can YOUearn recommendation letters that will get you into your top choicecolleges?I'll show you how in this article. For the first time, I'm sharing my FULL, UNEDITED letters of recommendation as examples for you. These are the exact letters submitted when I applied to college. Even better, you'll see exactly what my Harvard admissions officer underlined - what really stood out as important and noteworthy. First Things First Quick question - how confident are you in knowingwhat colleges are looking for in your recommendation letters? Do you have a strong understanding of what an effective letter consists of, and what a bad letter looks like? Manystudents have the totally wrong idea of what colleges are looking for in recommendation letters. This, naturally, leads to subpar letters for students. Before I show you my letters, I first want to explainWHYrecommendation letters from teachers are such an important part of your college application, and then WHAT makes effective letters so effective. If you're chomping at the bit and really want to jump directly to my letters, here's Recommendation Letter Example #1, and here's Recommendation Letter Example #2. BUT I highly recommend that you stick with me for the next two sections - you'll get a lot more out of this guide and get much stronger rec letters as a result. Why Teacher Recommendation Letters Are So Important for College The goal of your overall college application is to communicate who you are as a person, in an easily digestible package that can take 20 minutes to understand (or less). From this package, colleges will decide whether they want you to join their community or not. Yeah, it doesn't feel great to have your 18 years of existence compressed into a web form. But that's the best system colleges have come up with so far to deal with the tens of thousands ofcollege applications they receive every year. (UCLA with a record 112,000+ applications) What do colleges care most about? Ultimately, it boils down to two things: how likely you are to succeed in college and in your career how much you'll benefit the school community as a student and beyond These are the ultimate goals of colleges when selecting their next class of students. Your application must convince the college that you will succeed in both goals. Of course, these are complex ideas -success is not only hard to predict, but different people also have different ideas of what success means. But there are a few general principles that hold true for most colleges: previous academic success is a great predictor of future academic success, which in turn predicts career success. certain personality traits are preferred: integrity, leadership, curiosity, creativity, empathy, perseverance, motivation, ambition, collaboration, confidence, and others. You don't need to be perfect in all dimensions, but some of these should apply strongly to you. you also generally want to avoid the opposite of these traits. These are all bad adjectives: unethical,narrow-minded, unmotivated, self-centered, arrogant, rude. For the first admissions requirement of academic success, your coursework and test scores play the biggest role. If you took a rigorous courseload and got a high GPA, and you got a high SAT/ACT score, you have shown that you can handle high school academics. This means you're in a great position to succeed academically in college. Feel like your SAT/ACT scores aren't high enough to impress your top choice colleges?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your SAT/ACT score. Download it for free now: How do you show the second requirement - personality traits? Part of this is in your personal essays and extracurriculars, where you'll show what you're interested in and give voice to your personality. But of courseyou'll describe yourself as curious, creative, collaborative, kind, and so forth. Who would describe themselves as unethical and mean? This is why colleges need objective, third-party observers to comment on who you are. This is where your teacher recommendations come in, and why they're so important. The role of the rec letter is to show who you are as a person.Your teachers haveengaged with you throughout at least a year of class. They've seen you in class with other students, and possibly out of class too. There are hundreds of small interactions that piece together to form your teacher's impression of you. How do you interact with students? How do you interact with teachers? How creative was your work? How much did you participate in class discussions? How motivated were you to excel in school? Are you a jerk nobody wants to be around? Or are you someone the teacher entrusts with the future? A greatteacher recommendation tells the college all of the above. Let's Hear From Harvard's Dean of Admissions What if you don't fully believe me yet? I'm just one guy with his own admissions experiences. So I'm going to call on William Fitzsimmons, Dean of Admissions at Harvard College: Recommendations from secondary school teachers and counselors are extremely important at Harvard and at many other colleges, particularly those with selective admissions processes. Faced with more academically qualified applicants than places in the freshman class, our admission officers review the two required teacher recommendations and the counselor report with great care, often commenting on them in writing on â€Å"reader sheets† in each application.We often project the recommendations themselves onto large screens so that all members of the Admissions Committee can see them during the subcommittee and full committee review processes in February and March.Recommendations can help us to see well beyond test scores and grades and other credentials and can illuminate such personal qualities as character and leadership as well as intellectual curiosity, creativity, and love of learning. Along with essays, interviews, and other materials in the application, recommendations can offer evidence of an applicant’s potential to make a significant difference to a college community and beyond. Source Notice how he says Harvard is "faced with more academically qualified applicants than places." What does this imply? "Among a pool of students with the same academic qualifications, we use personality traits to decide who to admit or reject."And letters of recommendation for students describe those personality traits. To beat a dead horse: your teacher recommendations add more color to your academic achievements, your test scores, and your GPA. The best recommendation letters for colleges rave about your personality and personal qualities. This is why my two letters below are so effective. You do NOT want your recommendation letters to just be repeats of your resume. This gives the admissions officer ZERO extra information about who you are a person. You do NOT want your recommendation letters to just say, "Johnny got an A and turned in his homework on time." This makes it very obvious that the teacher has no idea who you are as a person, which means it adds ZERO to your application. Great recommendations talk about more than your class performance. They discuss your personal qualities, how interacting with you feels like, and why you're likely to succeed in the future. First, I'm going to show my letters to you, with analysis of why they were so effective. You'll see the highlights made by my Harvard admissions officer, which will tell you what things she found important. Then I'll give you advice on how to build relationships with your teachers so you can get letters like this on your own. My Letter of Recommendation Samples Usually you don’t get to read letters of recommendation for students because you sign the FERPA waiver, waiving away your rights to read your application. But I was able to retrieve my full Common App and Harvard applicationfrom Harvard, complete with my original letters of recommendation. Most colleges require you to have two letters from teachers in different subjects.The two teachers I asked for letters were my favorite two teachers in all of high school. Personally, I vibed most strongly with teachers who actually cared about teaching. They gave engaged studentswith energy, treated us kindly and empathetically, and went above expectations to help students succeed. Not only did I have the most fun with these teachers, but they were also more likely to advocate for me enthusiastically in their letter. You might not vibe with teachers for the same reasons, but it's important you choose teachers you get along with and who you feel will write you very strong letters. My first letter comes from my AP Chemistry teacher from 10th grade. My second comes from my AP English Language teacher from 11th grade. As you read these letters, remember - these letters didn't come instantly. They take hundreds of small interactions over a year or more to build an impression of who you are. You can't trick a teacher into writing a great recommendation letter for you. If you honestly like learning and are an enthusiastic, responsible, engaging student, a great recommendation letter will follow naturally. The horse should lead the cart. Teacher Letter #1: AP Chemistry Teacher I took AP Chemistry in 10th grade and had Miss Cherryl Vorak (now Mynster). She was one of our younger teachers, having taught for just a few years before I had her. She was my favorite teacher throughout high school for these reasons: She clearly took pride in her work. She wasvery caring, spent a lot of time helping struggling students, and seemed to consider teaching her craft. She was universally well liked by her students, even if they weren’t doing so well. This is pretty rare. She was fair in her policies and grading, and she was kind. This was the kind of teacher where if you weren't doing well, you felt like it was your fault, not the teacher's. I participated in the US National Chemistry Olympiad (this was the major academic honor I earned) and she was my advocate and a great resource for this.She provided me a lot of training materials and helped me figure out college chemistry. By the time I applied to college in senior year,I had known her for two full years and engaged with her continuously, even when I wasn't taking a class with her in junior year. We’d build up a strong relationship over the course of hundreds of small interactions. All of this flowed down to the recommendation you see here.The horse leads the cart. First, we’ll look at the teacher evaluation page. The Common Application now has 16 qualities to rate, rather than the 10 here. But they’re largely the same. If the images are hard to read, keep scrolling down - I provide the recommendation in text form. How long have you known this student and in what context? I've known Allen as a student inside the classroom and outside the classroom in extracurricular academic activities since he was in the 10th grade.What are the first words that come to your mind to describe this student? Intelligent, motivated critical thinker; Charasmatic, well rounded, talented individual; Independent, mature, responsible student. List the courses you have taught this student, noting for each the student's year in school (10th, 11th, 12th) and the level of course difficulty (AP, accelerated, honors, IB, elective, etc.) As a 10th grader, Allen was one of the top students in my AP Chemistry class. Please write whatever you think is important about this student, including a description of academic and personal characteristics.We are particularly interested in the candidate’s intellectual promise, motivation, maturity, integrity, independence, originality, initiative, leadershippotential, capacity for growth, special talents, enthusiasm, concern for others, respect accorded by faculty, and reaction to setbacks. We welcomeinformation that will help us to differentiate this student from others. See enclosed letter. Ratings Compared to other college-bound students in his or her secondary school class, how do you rate this student in terms of: Below Average Average Good (above average) Very Good (well above average) Excellent (top 10%) Outstanding (top 5%) One of the top few encountered in my career Creative, original thought âÅ"“ Motivation âÅ"“ Self-confidence âÅ"“ Independence, initiative âÅ"“ Intellectual ability âÅ"“ Academic achievement âÅ"“ Written expression of ideas âÅ"“ Effective class discussion âÅ"“ Disciplined work habits âÅ"“ Potential for growth âÅ"“ This was the Common Application from 2004-05, over 10 years ago. In today’s Common Application, all of these ratings are retained, aside from â€Å"Potential for Growth.† Today's Common Appalso now includes Faculty Respect, Maturity, Leadership, Integrity, Reaction to Setbacks, Concern for Others, and TE Overall. You can tell that Common App teacher evaluations placea strongemphasis on personality. From Miss Vorak, you can seea very strong evaluation. First she says she's known me for over 2 years and has had interactions inside and outside the classroom. Then she's very enthusiastic with her "first words" answer, listing off a lot of strong personal traits.Finally, she gives me the highest ratings possible for all qualities. The Ratings section is really important. In one go, you're compared to all the students your teacher has ever taught. The better your ratings here, the more competitive you are relative to your classmates. What makes for good enough ratings for you? That depends on your personal college goals and your school's competitiveness. The more competitive the colleges are, the higher up your ratings need to be. If you're applying to your state school, where the admissions rate is 30%, and your high school is pretty competitve, simply being Very Good or Excellent can be a strong rating for you. On the other hand, if you're applying to the most selective colleges like Harvard, Stanford, or the other Ivy League schools,it is important to be ranked â€Å"One of the top few encountered in my career† for as many ratings as possible. If you’re part of a big school, this is CRITICAL to distinguish yourself from other students. The more experienced and trustworthy the teacher, the more meaningful this is.You really want to make sure you’re one of the best in your school class, if not one of the best the teacher has ever encountered. Next, let’s look at her letter. As you read this, think – what are the interactions that would prompt the teacher to write a recommendation like this? This was a relationship built up in a period of over 2 years, with every small interaction adding to an overall larger impression. Again, if the images are too small to read, I'll have the exact text below, so scroll down. And here's the letter in text form. I've bolded the sections that were underlined by my Harvard admissions officer: To Whom It May Concern: It is with very great pleasure that I write this recommendation for Allen Cheng to support his application for admission into Harvard. Allen has a deep passion for science and has been one of the few exceptionally gifted students that I have encountered in my career as an Advanced Placement Chemistry teacher. Among his many achievements and accomplishments, Allen’s performance on a battery of Chemistry Olympiad exams taken by approximately 11,000 students nationwide recently secured him the position as the second alternate for the U.S. Chemistry Olympiad team, ranking 6th in the country for a team which represented our nation in the International Chemistry Olympiad competition in Germany this past spring. As a senior, Allen hopes to surpass his performance once more in hopes of securing a solid position as one of the four members on the 2005 U.S. Chemistry Olympiad team this coming spring. I first encountered Allen when he was a sophomore in my AP Chemistry class. He was the youngest student in the class of upper classmen, but he was the top excelling student among the two sections of AP Chemistry classes that I taught during the 2002-2003 academic year. As a sophomore, he worked very well with others, mastered laboratory techniques, earned the top score on the AP Chemistry Exam, and was one of the top performers on the National Chemistry Olympiad Exam that year. As one of the top performers on the National Chemistry Olympiad Exam in 2003, Allen was one of twenty students in the nation who qualified to be a participant in the United States National Chemistry Olympiad National Team in the spring that year. He spent an extensive amount of time studying independently in order to ensure that he would cover all of the topics that our class did not yet study and often sought additional instruction during lunch and after school during which he asked questions and performed labs from previous Chemistry Olympiad competitions for practice. When results were published, Allen was ecstatic to have qualified as one of the twenty participants in the U.S. Chemistry Olympiad Study Camp and he enjoyed the experience training for the International Chemistry Olympiad during which he was exposed to Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, etc., branches of science typically encountered at the college level. As a member of my Advanced Placement Chemistry class, I have found Allen to be an intelligent, conscientious, motivated and responsible student who masters theory-and applies it well. He academically excelled among his peers, often explained concepts to confused classmates, actively participated during discussion, asked questions to ensure that he had a firm understanding of concepts, and sought additional sources for supplementary problem solving exercises. As a scientist, he was always meticulous when performing experiments, he led his lab group to successfully complete experiments, he wrote great detailed analytical lab reports, and he worked well with others. Allen is a self motivated, dedicated, hardworking student of high intelligence who can grasp difficult concepts, think critically and handle the rigor of a competitive college environment. He exhibits the qualities of a leader and promising scientist who truly loves science. Allen truly impresses me as a student who actively seeks new experiences which support his love for science. This past summer, Allen was a participant at the Research Science Institute at MIT where he conducted research in the field of neuroscience. In addition, Allen has been conducting research with the Jisan Research Institute under the guidance of a professor for two years and has recently coauthored a paper which was published and presented in the LASTED International Conference on Robotics and Applications in Hawaii this year. In addition to conducting research, Allen has also been volunteering at Methodist Hospital and in an immunology lab at the City of Hope National Medical Center where he has been able to strengthen his general laboratory skills. He is clearly an independent, active member of society who pursues personal interests. Beyond his academic excellence, Allen is a charismatic individual who is respected and liked by faculty and peers. Throughout his high school career, Allen often stopped by my room during lunch to take my AP Chemistry tests to review his general chemistry, but he also often stopped by during lunch or after school to chat about his latest developments, events in school, or other various topics. His maturity and charisma are qualities that are quite rare among high school students. He interacts well with his peers be it in the classroom setting or with the broader diverse student population where he is well known as a balanced individual with a warm personality and sense of humor. He balances his time well by excelling in a heavy course load filled with advanced placement classes and he also participates in various school and community activities, including our school’s academic teams which provide a structured yet fun forum for competition and learning. Allen is a well rounded individual who clearly enjoys a challenge. Overall, Allen exhibits the qualities of a leader as well as a great scientist who has had ample research experience and excels academically in challenging, college level courses. He is an intelligent, well-rounded, and grounded individual who challenges himself and actively seeks new opportunities and experiences. He has the determination, maturity, and intelligence to succeed in any endeavor and always maintains a positive attitude. His academic and personal achievements show that he is committed to his education and will work hard to achieve his goals. He exudes confidence and has a vivid, outgoing, and friendly personality that allows him to get along with others very well in any setting. I admire him for his intelligence, sincerity, honesty, and integrity and am impressed by his discipline as an independent learner. He is a highly motivated individual with a thirst for knowledge. Allen Cheng would truly be a superior addition to the student body at Harvard. Sincerely, Cherryl Vorak AP Chemistry, Chemistry Honors Teacher The letter here is very strong for a multitude of reasons. First, the length is notable – most letters are just a page long, but this is nearly two full pages, single spaced.This is pretty rare, since teachers often have to write dozens of letters a year. It's clear she's interacted with me a lot, cares a lot about supporting me, and is willing to put in the work to do so. The structure is effective: first Miss Vorak talks about my academic accomplishments, then about my personal qualities and interactions, then a summary to the future. This is a perfect blend of what effective letters contain.She highlights my most important extracurricular activities and awards (you can read more about it here in my Complete college application). At the detail level, her diction and phrasing are specific and supportive. She makes my standing clear with precisestatements: â€Å"youngest student†¦top excelling student among the two sections† and â€Å"one of twenty students in the nation.† She’s clear about describing the effort I put in, like studying college-level chemistry and studying independently. When describing my personality, she’s exuberant and fleshes out a range of dimensions: â€Å"conscientious, motivated and responsible,† â€Å"exhibits the qualities of a leader,† â€Å"actively seeks new experiences,† â€Å"charismatic,† â€Å"balanced individual with a warm personality and sense of humor.† You can see how she's really checking off all the qualities colleges care about and corroborating her ratings. Overall, Miss Vorak’s letter perfectly supports my application– my love for science, my overall academic performance, and my personality. The last part is especially important - she adds much more color beyond my A in AP Chemistry.This letter was important to complement the overall academic performance and achievements shown on the rest of my application. Let's go to my second Common App teacher recommendation. Curious about what my college application looked like, including personal essays, grades, test scores, and extracurriculars? You're in luck - I've published my ENTIRE college application here. This includes my complete Common Application, teacher recommendations, counselor recommendation, and Harvard supplement. This application got me into every school I applied to, including Harvard, Stanford, Princeton, and more. Check out how Miss Vorak's letter complemented my entire college application and my Personal Narrative. Teacher Letter #2: AP English Language Teacher My second teacher Mrs. Swift was another favorite. A middle-aged, experiencedEnglish teacher, I would describe her as â€Å"fiery,† in a good way. She was passionate, always trying to get a rise out of students in class discussions. She was challenging as a teacher and grader, and I always wanted to impress her. Emotionally she was a reliable source of support for students. First, the teacher evaluation from the Common App: How long have you known this student and in what context? 2 years, AP student. What are the first words that come to your mind to describe this student? (blank) List the courses you have taught this student, noting for each the student's year in school (10th, 11th, 12th) and the level of course difficulty (AP, accelerated, honors, IB, elective, etc.) 11th Grade AP English Please write whatever you think is important about this student, including a description of academic and personal characteristics.We are particularly interested in the candidate’s intellectual promise, motivation, maturity, integrity, independence, originality, initiative, leadershippotential, capacity for growth, special talents, enthusiasm, concern for others, respect accorded by faculty, and reaction to setbacks. We welcomeinformation that will help us to differentiate this student from others. (blank) Ratings Compared to other college-bound students in his or her secondary school class, how do you rate this student in terms of: Below Average Average Good (above average) Very Good (well above average) Excellent (top 10%) Outstanding (top 5%) One of the top few encountered in my career Creative, original thought âÅ"“ Motivation âÅ"“ Self-confidence âÅ"“ Independence, initiative âÅ"“ Intellectual ability âÅ"“ Academic achievement âÅ"“ Written expression of ideas âÅ"“ Effective class discussion âÅ"“ Disciplined work habits âÅ"“ Potential for growth âÅ"“ You can see right away that her remarks are terser. She didn’t even fill out the section about â€Å"first words that come to mind to describe this student.† You might chalk this up to my not being as standout of a student in her mind, or her just getting tired of recommendation letter requests every year. In ratings, I earned three of the â€Å"one of the top in my career† for "Motivation," "Independence, initiative," and "Intellectual ability." The rest are marked as Outstanding (top 5%). These are overall great ratings, but not as universally "top ever" compared to my AP Chemistry teacher. There are a few explanations for this. As a teacher’s career lengthens, it gets increasingly hard to earn this mark. Since Mrs. Swift was a lot older than Miss Vorak, she had run through a ton of students already, which makes it harder to be one of the top few ever encountered. I probably also didn’t stand out as much as I did to my Chemistry teacher – most of my achievement was in science (which she wasn’t closely connected to), and I had talented classmates. Regardless, I did appreciate the 3 marks she gave me. Now, the letter. Once again, as you read this letter, think: what are the hundreds of interactions, in the classroom and outside, that would have led to a letter like this? To Whom It May Concern: It is with great pleasure that I recommend Allen Cheng for admission to your school. In my three years of working with him, he has demonstrated the qualities necessary for high success in the demanding academic atmosphere of a high caliber university as well as the social skills needed to be successful in college. Academically, he is an extremely strong student, earning an A both semesters in AP Junior English (a feat few accomplish), and A’s throughout his high school career. He consistently exhibits dedication and vigor in all that he approaches. He is a member of the National Honor Society, the California Scholarship Federation, and an integral part of the Jisan Research Institute. He is a vital member of all that he is a part of. Outside of the classroom, Allen’s passion is for research. He has a brilliant and lightning quick mind; he is a fantastic scientist, one with great charisma and leadership skills. Though he is a year younger than the rest of his class, he is heads and shoulders above them. He has been more than ready for all that a major university has to offer for quite some time. Perhaps one of Allen’s most outstanding characteristics is his independence of thought and his willingness to express those thoughts. In other situations where students-would never speak their minds, he showed no hesitation to voice questions, thoughts, and ideas. He was always an active participant in class discussions, his animated character and controversial positions often being the spark that set off the entire class to an impassioned and heated period of arguing, often with him at the focal point of one side or another. His other qualities are of equal magnitude – his leadership skills came to forefront in group projects where he took charge, assuming the majority of the work and responsibility, ensuring that everything was completed in a timely manner and to his extremely high standards. He also has the ability to take the quiet and shy student and actively engage him or her, transforming that student into an active member of the class. I went out of my way to partner him with other students who needed this kind of attention and encouragement. Another quality that sets him apart from other student leaders is his strength of conviction. He will argue on any topic that has touched a nerve. He breathes with raw, unbridled passion. It is a rare gift in a person of any age; in someone just 16, it is breathtaking. He is honest, never stooping to cheat; he is entertaining, relying on wit, knowledge, and intelligence to persuade. Friends rely on him; he is attentive to their true needs. Teachers enjoy him in their classes. I recommend Allen completely, with no hesitation. He will make his mark and be known. Judith Swift Overall, this letter is very strong. It’s only one page long, but she spends a lot more time on my personal qualities. She writes with her characteristic flair: â€Å"In other situations where students would never speak their minds, he showed no hesitation to voice questions, thoughts, and ideas.† â€Å"controversial positions often being the spark that set off the entire class† â€Å"ability to take the quiet and shy student and actively engage†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ went out of my way to partner him with other students who needed† â€Å"strength of conviction†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ raw, unbridled passion†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ He will argue on any topic that has touched a nerve.† These comments support my personality strongly. I lean more towards an irreverent, straightforwardpersonality, not being afraid to speakmy mind.While this came across in my personal essays and application, an experienced teacher vouching for this adds so much more weight than just my writing it about myself. Again, this impression was built up over a year of her teaching me. It wasn't just one time I stopped by after class. It was continuous participation in class discussions, strong performance throughout the year, and likely observations of me when I didn't know she was even looking. With my two letters in mind, let's end with advice for how you can get the best college rec letters possible. How You Can Get the Best Recommendation Letters from Your Teachers By now, I've repeated my most important advice for you a few times. The important thing is that the advice sticks in, and that you actually practice it. The best recommendation letters for students gush about your personal qualities and why that makes you the promising beacon of the future. You can't trick a teacher into writing a strong letter for you. This is the wrong attitude to have, and most teachers will be able to sniff out insincerity. Don't think that you can just stop by after class three times and get the teacher to be your buddy. Instead, your teacher's impression of you is built up over hundreds of interactions - in class discussions, in group projects, in your homework, during presentations, when arguing about test scores, and even when you think she's not listening. If you honestly like learning and are an enthusiastic, responsible, engaging student, a great recommendation letter will follow naturally. The horse should lead the cart. With all this in mind, here are strategies for how you can build great relationships with your teachers and get super strong letters along the way: Starting sophomore year, identify 2-3 teachers each year you get along with. Have at least one in math/sciences, and another in the other subjects. You won't get letters from all of them, but you do want backups in case your top choice writers don't work out. Prepare well for class discussions, and don't be afraid of sounding dumb. Speak your mind and your teacher will remember it. As a teaching assistantin college and grad school, I can tell you firsthand how annoying it is to ask the class a question and have no one respond. Prep beforehand and show that you're one of the few students who actually cares about learning. In your interactions with teachers, focus on improving yourself and learning, not on getting a better grade.This applies to talking about grading, group projects, and learning what's on a test. Students who grovel for extra points on a test are really annoying. In contrast, students who try to figure out where their weaknesses are and how to improve for the future are really fun to work with. Try to make the teacher's life easier.If you can help the teacher save time, she'll love you for it. This might mean helping out classmates who are struggling, sharing notes with the class, or noticing problems she's having and trying to fix them. This will take sustained effort and energy, but it's the most reliable way to get very strong recommendation letters. Even more, you'll likely have a lot more fun in school, and you'll build a strong relationship with an adult mentor who can teach you a lot. For a lot more detailed advice like this on how to interact with teachers earnestly, check out my How to Get a 4.0 GPA and Better Grades guide. Keep Reading to Build Your College Application Do you like my advice in this guide? Great - I've written a lot more to help you build the strongest college app possible. Want more recommendation letter samples? Check out 4 more excellent recommendation letters from teachers. How to Get a Perfect SAT Score/How to Get a Perfect ACT Score Do you feel like your SAT/ACT score is lower than what your top colleges are looking for? As someone who got a perfect score on the SAT and ACT, I learned important strategies to notice your weaknesses and drill to improve them. Read these guides to boost your SAT/ACT scores. Also, check out my series on getting perfect scores in each of the sections on the SAT/ACT: SAT 800 Series: Reading | Math | Writing ACT 36 Series: English | Math | Reading | Science How to Get Into Harvard and the Ivy League Aiming for a top school like Harvard, Stanford, Yale, or Ivy League-level schools? Your impression of what they're looking for might be COMPLETELYwrong. In this guide, you'll learn: why collegesexist, and what that means for what students they're looking for why being well-rounded is the path to rejection what an application Spike is, and why it'll get you into every college you apply to how to develop a Spike of your own If you're aiming for top tier colleges, this is a must read for you. How to Get a 4.0 GPA and Better Grades Do you feel like you're struggling to balance a rigorous courseload with good grades? You're not alone - this is a challenge for many high school students nationwide. In this guide, I'll tell you everything I know about how to get good grades. This includes mindset and psychology; study habits you need to have; and individual subject strategies. Even if you're not aiming for a 4.0 GPA, this is well worth the read - you'll learn something that can save you hundreds of hours of study time. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Saturday, November 2, 2019

You can decide the topic whatever you want by those requirements I Essay - 6

You can decide the topic whatever you want by those requirements I posted - Essay Example The setting is desolate apart from a single person in the picture who contributes to the strangeness of the place. The person in white in the picture looks on and has no prejudged expression. It is unwelcoming for anyone to be represented in that manner (Harding 1). The human figure seems to reveal more than the empty feeling probably that the place is not meant for the public. On the other hand, yellow color is a celebratory affiliated color and could be used to mean a place to feel free and merry. From the stillness of the objects and person on the image begets the entire notion and drives the thinking of â€Å"what went wrong†. At night people like to get together before, they retire to their home that is evidently not the case in the painting. The artist was questioning the situation and sent out a clear message (Harding 1). The worst illustration the image brings forth is from the colorations on the table. The image uses a green billiard table that made use of a darker black color. The combination of black and green in itself is a scary affair, leave alone making it thick black and a shimmering green. When one puts into perspective the color mix and expressions in the film, nobody wants to be there because this is not a welcoming place (Harding 1). A stark black in the mix with a white colored clock cannot be missed from the background, and one can clearly discern the time that is a quarter after the midnight mark. To crown the encounter the image terribly expresses human passion by putting together red and the green color. Van uses the yellow wall to give on to blood red wall inclined and raised up to the ceiling that is painted with an obtrusive green (Harding 1). The hanging light bright in sulphuric yellow spreading it all across the room and surrounded by the Vincent’s wheel hunch over in the image in the late-night